Ila sorry tak amik gambar mung...
tak leh amik la tak tau aperasal..
okey back to the topic
Rules & Regulations :
#01; - Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
#02; - People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
#03; - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
#04; - No tags back!
Tough nyer soalan tak terjawab haku.....diri sendiri mana nak tau perkara pelik diri sendiri ek..mmmmm..rasanya cam pernah jawab jek..
1. Sensitif - memang haku ni sensitif sikit orangnya...tapi jenis pendam....bila terasa ker aper ker..memang haku pendam laaa all the wayyy...act natural jek...... back home or somewhere quiet..i will broke down and cry huhuhuhuhu....
2. Cepat naik hangin...... dah la sensitif...cepat naik hangin lak tue.....hadoih...
3. Tak boleh ada sesuatu perkara yang mengganggu fikiran...selagi tak settle haku akan fikir dan muka akan susah hati...(it show weh kat muko den...kenot kontrollllll)
4. Tak leh jumpa bantal..kejap jek haku melayang.....
5. Lurveeee shoppingggggg...... kadang benda ntah haper2 pun aku leh beli...(nowadays..kenot laaaa zaman kemelesetan)
6. First impression from others - SOMBONG!!! GARANG!! TAKUT!!! hahahahahahaha..... to know me is to love me..i can be your bestest friend you know....
7. errrrrr aku latah.....tapi latah bukan cam orang tua-tua tue la...cuma tak leh kene cucuk tang pinggang jeksss (oooppssssssss pocah rahsiooo)
8. My family is my priority....tak boleh ku bayangkan andai mereka tiada...
9. Kadang-kadang suara haku nie cam petir...saper tak kenal memang ingat haku marah depa...kui kui kui...
10. Its only one Azimah bt. Abu Sujak in this world..... (ahakssssssss)
so kene nominate 10 orang yerrr..mmm saper ek....
1. Nieza Penang (silalah update blog mu itew)
2. Kak Kasih (tengah syok on the ke penang ek)
3. arrggg kenot think kenot think.. ah!! Sahira..... jawab la tag ini yer
4. Habibnasssss a.k.a Beep
5. Embun
6. Ed...a.k.a Nasi Impit a.k.a Adrina Adi (ngeh ngeh ngeh)
7. Blue Jambu
8. Erl..if you come to my blog lah..
dah tak tau nak pk ....
hantu ko melati! hehehe